dustmaker package


level module

Module defining the primary interface for working with levels in dustmaker.

class LevelType(value)[source]

Bases: IntEnum

Enum defining the different level types.

KOTH = 3
class PlayerPosition(variables: Dict[str, Variable], player: int)[source]

Bases: object

Used internally to manage player position accessors. Meant to be used through accesss to Level.start_position().


Player start x-coordinate in pixels




Player start y-coordinate in pixels



class Level(*, parent: Optional[Level] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a Dustforce level/map or the backdrop to its parent level. If this is a backdrop then parent will be set to the parent Level object.


For backdrops this is the containing level. Otherwise this is set to None.


Level, optional


The backdrop Level object or None if this is a backdrop level. Backdrop levels are scaled up 16x from the parent level’s coordinate system and should only contain tiles and props.


Level, optional


A dict mapping (layer, x, y) to Tile objects.


dict[(int, int, int), Tile]


A dict mapping prop ids to (layer, x, y, Prop) tuples.


dict[int, (int, float, float, Prop)]


A dict mapping entity ids to (x, y, Entity) tuples. Ignored for backdrops.


dict[int, (float, float, Entity)]


A raw mapping of string keys to Variable objects. Some of these variables have nicer accessor properties like name but may be accessed raw through this dictionary. Ignored for backdrops.


dict[str, Variable]


The level thumbnail image as a PNG binary. Ignored for backdrops.



property name

Wrapper around variables[‘level_name’] of type VariableString. Defaults to b’’.



property virtual_character

Wrapper around variables[‘vector_character’] of type VariableBool. Defaults to False.



property level_type

Level type of the level, see LevelType enum. Defaults to 0.



property dustmod_version

Wrapper around variables[‘dustmod_version’] of type VariableString. Defaults to b’’.



start_position(player: int = 1) PlayerPosition[source]

Access and modify the starting position of each player.


player (int, optional) – The player to access the starting position of. Valid options are 1, 2, 3, 4. Defaults to player 1.


An accessor class with x and y attributes that can be get/set.

add_prop(layer: int, x: float, y: float, prop: Prop, id_num: Optional[int] = None) int[source]

Adds a new Prop to the level and returns its id. This is the preferred way of adding props to a level. Do not directly add props to the props attribute and use this method as it may overwrite props.

  • x (float) – The x position of the prop.

  • y (float) – The y position of the prop.

  • prop (Prop) – The Prop object to add to the level.

  • id_num – (int, optional): The prop identifier. If not set the identifier will be allocated for you.


The ID of the newly added prop.


LevelException – If the given ID is already in use.

add_entity(x: float, y: float, entity: Entity, id_num: Optional[int] = None) int[source]

Adds a new Entity to the level and returns its id. This is the preferred way of adding entities to a level. Do not directly add entities to the entities attribute and use this method as it may overwrite entities.

  • x (float) – The x position of the entity.

  • y (float) – The y position of the entity.

  • entity (Entity) – The Entity object to add to the level.

  • id_num – (int, optional): The entity identifier. If not set the identifier will be allocated for you.


The ID of the newly added entity.


LevelException – If the given ID is already in use.

translate(x: float, y: float) None[source]

Translate (move) the entire level. This is just a convenience method around transform().

  • x (float) – The number of pixels to move horizontally.

  • y (float) – The number of pixels to move vertically.

remap_ids(min_id: int = 100) None[source]

Remap prop and entity ids starting at min_id. This is useful when attempting to merge two levels to keep their ID space separate. Do not call directly on a backdrop level.


min_id (int, optional) – The minimum ID to assign to a prop or entity.


Dustmaker has no way to automatically remap entity IDs in script persist data.

calculate_max_id(reset: bool = True) int[source]

Calculates the maximum prop or entity ID currently in use. This will always return at least 100 due to Dustforce reserving many of the lower IDs for special entities like the camera.


reset (bool, optional) – If set (the default) the internal next ID allocator will be reset based off this result. Otherwise the max ID will be at least one less than the next ID.

merge(other_level: Level, remap_ids: bool = True) None[source]

Merge another level into this one.

  • other_map (Level) – The level to merge into this one.

  • remap_ids (bool, optional) – Wether to remap the ID space of each level so they do not interfere with each other. This is True by default.

transform(mat: TxMatrix) None[source]

Transforms the level with the given affine transformation matrix. Note that this will probably not produce desirable results if the transformation matrix is not some mixture of a translation, flip, and 90 degree rotations. Use upscale() if you wish to performan an upscale as well as a transformation.

In most cases you can use one of flip_horizontal(), flip_vertical:, :meth:`rotate(), translate(), upscale() instead of this method.


mat – The 3 by 3 affine transformation matrix [x’, y’, 1]’ = mat * [x, y, 1]’. It should be of the form mat = [[xx, xy, ox], [yx, yy, oy], [0, 0, 1]].


Dustmaker has no way to automatically transform positional data in script persist data.

flip_horizontal() None[source]

Flips the level horizontally. This is a convenience function around transform().

flip_vertical() None[source]

Flips the level vertically. This is a convenience function around transform().

rotate(times: int = 1) None[source]

Rotates the level 90 degrees clockwise. This is a convenience function around transform().


times (int, optional) – The number of 90 degree clockwise rotations to perform. times may be negative to perform counterclockwise rotations.

upscale(factor: int, *, mat: TxMatrix = ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1))) None[source]

Increase the size of the level along each axis.

  • factor (int) – The scaling factor (>1). e.g. if factor = 2 each tile tile will be represented by a 2x2 tile squre in the resulting level.

  • mat (optional) – An additional transformation matrix to pass to transform() along with the upscaling.

calculate_edge_visibility(*, visible_callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int, TileSide, Tile, Tile], bool]] = None) None[source]

This method will automatically calculate edge solidity and visibility in a way meant to match Dustforce rules.

Solidity will always imply visibility. An edge that doesn’t exist for the given tile shape is always not visible. Otherwise an edge that is not flush to a tile border (e.g. the diagonal of a slope tile) is solid. Otherwise if the neighboring side does not exist or is not also flush the edge is solid.

In any other case the edge is not solid. If the tile sprite information matches its neighbor the edge is not visible. Otherwise visible_callback is called to determine if the edge is visible. If visible_callback is not set this defaults to the edge being visible if it’s a bototm or right edge. bottom or right edge.


visible_callback (Callable) – Callback used to determine if a given edge should be visible if all other checks have passed. Typically this function should be anti-symetric so that there are not overlapping visible edges. Called as visible_callback(x, y, side, tile, neighbor_tile).

calculate_edge_caps() None[source]

Calculates edge/filth cap flags and angles. This should be called after all edge visibilty has been determined (see calculate_edge_visibility()).

To compute edge caps we consider only visible edges. Non-visible edges will have their cap data appropriately zeroed. For each visible edge we consider it in both orientations; going clockwise and counter-clockwise around the tile.

Edges that end between tile widths (i.e. for the slant edge of a slant) can never have an edge cap. For these edges the edge/filth cap should be set to False and the angles zeroed.

The first step to computing the cap flag and angle for a given edge orientation is to find the “joining” edge. A joining edge must have the following properties:

  • Belong to a tile with the same sprite

  • Be the same side of the tile (i.e. ground edges don’t connect to walls)

  • Have a starting point equal to our edge’s ending point

  • Be in the same orientation as our edge

If there are multiple joining edges the one that moves the most “away” from our tile should be selected (when traversing clockwise the edge that goes the most counter-clockwise and vice versa).

If there is no joining edge the edge cap should be set to True and the edge angle should be zeroed. If there is a joining edge the edge cap should be set to False and the edge angle should be half the angle delta rounded down. Clockwise turns should be positive, counter-clockwise turns should be negative.

Finally if the edge has no filth then the filth cap and angle should be zeroed. If there is filth on this edge but not the joining edge, or the filth sprites/spike types don’t match, the filth cap should be set to True and filth angle to 0. Otherwise the filth cap should be False and the filth angle should match the edge angle.

tile module

Module defining the tile respresentation in dustmaker.

class TileSpriteSet(value)[source]

Bases: IntEnum

Used to describe what set of tiles a tile’s sprite comes from.

NONE_0 = 0
CITY = 3
NONE_7 = 7
class TileSide(value)[source]

Bases: IntEnum

Used to index the sides of a tile. This is the indexing done by the Dustforce engine itself.

TOP = 0
LEFT = 2
class TileEdgeData(solid: bool = False, visible: bool = False, caps: Tuple[bool, bool] = (False, False), angles: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0), filth_sprite_set: TileSpriteSet = TileSpriteSet.NONE_0, filth_spike: bool = False, filth_caps: Tuple[bool, bool] = (False, False), filth_angles: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0))[source]

Bases: object

Data class for data stored on each tile edge. Many attributes are stored as pairs of data to correspond to the two corners of the tile edge. These corners are ordered clockwise around the tile (the tile should be on your right as you traverse from the first to second corner).

solid: bool = False

Should this edge produce collisions

visible: bool = False

Is this edge visible

caps: Tuple[bool, bool] = (False, False)

Wether an edge cap should be drawn for each corner

angles: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)

-90 < angle < 90. Ignored if the corresponding cap flag is set.


Edge join angle in degrees, should be in the range #

filth_sprite_set: TileSpriteSet = 0

Sprite set of dust or spikes on this edge. Use TileSpriteSet.NONE_0 to indicate no filth on this edge.

filth_spike: bool = False

If filth_sprite_set is not TileSpriteSet.NONE_0 this flag controls if there is dust or spikes on the edge.

filth_caps: Tuple[bool, bool] = (False, False)

Same as caps but for drawing filth (dust/spikes) caps.

filth_angles: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)

Same as angles but for filth join angles.

class TileShape(value)[source]

Bases: IntEnum

Tiles come in four main types; full, half, big, and small. Images of those tiles can be seen below. Alternatively refer to https://github.com/cmann1/PropUtils/blob/master/files/tiles_reference/TileShapes.jpg for an image of all tiles in one place.

FULL = 0
BIG_1 = 1
SMALL_1 = 2
BIG_2 = 3
SMALL_2 = 4
BIG_3 = 5
SMALL_3 = 6
BIG_4 = 7
SMALL_4 = 8
BIG_5 = 9
SMALL_5 = 10
BIG_6 = 11
SMALL_6 = 12
BIG_7 = 13
SMALL_7 = 14
BIG_8 = 15
SMALL_8 = 16
HALF_A = 17
HALF_B = 18
HALF_C = 19
HALF_D = 20
class Tile(shape: TileShape = TileShape.FULL, *, tile_flags: int = 4, sprite_set: TileSpriteSet = TileSpriteSet.TUTORIAL, sprite_tile: int = 1, sprite_palette: int = 0, _tile_data: Optional[bytes] = None, _dust_data: Optional[bytes] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a single tile in a Dustforce level. Positional information (x, y, layer) is stored within the containing Level and not in the Tile object itself.

Tiles support the equality and hashing interface.

The constructor will by default create a square virtual tile with 4 zeroed (non-solid nor visible) edges.


The shape of this particular tile.




Raw bitmask of flags from the Dustforce engine. In practice this always seems to be 0x4 (which is set by default) corresponding to just the “solid” flag set. In most cases you should just ignore this flag. From the engine the definitions are:

  • Bit 1 - “solid slope flag” (probably ignored)

  • Bit 2 - “visible flag” (probably ignored)

  • Bit 3 - solid flag


3-bit int


List[TileEdgeData]: Edge data for each edge of the tile. This should always be a list of length 4 regardless of the tile shape.


The sprite set this tile comes from. (e.g. forest, mansion)




The index of the specific tile within this sprite set (e.g. grass, dirt). Check https://github.com/cmann1/PropUtils/tree/master/files/tiles_reference for a visual reference to get sprite index information.




The color variant of this tile.



get_sprite_tuple() Tuple[TileSpriteSet, int, int][source]

Convenience method for getting a tuple that describes the sprite of a tile for easy sprite comparison and copying.


A three-tuple containing the sprite set, tile, and palette of this tile.

set_sprite_tuple(sprite_tuple: Tuple[TileSpriteSet, int, int]) None[source]

Convenience method for setting sprite information in the same format as get_sprite_tuple().


sprite_tuple (TileSpriteSet, int, int) – Sprite set, tile, and palette information.

property sprite_path: str

Gives the path within the extracted sprite metadata to the tile sprite currently selected. You may retrieve the complete game sprites listing from https://www.dropbox.com/s/jm37ew9p74olgca/sprites.zip?dl=0

has_filth() bool[source]

Returns true if there is filth attached to any edges of this tile

is_dustblock() bool[source]

Returns true if the tile is a dustblock tile. This is calculated based on the current sprite information.

set_dustblock() None[source]

Update sprite_tile and sprite_palette to be the dustblock matching the current sprite_set.


ValueError – If there is no dustblock tile for the current sprite set.

transform(mat: TxMatrix) None[source]

Performs a flip and rotation as dictated by the tranformation matrix. Does not do any kind of scaling or skewing beyond that. Use upscale() if you want to increase tile scale.


The transformation matrix. See dustmaker.level.Level.transform()

upscale(factor: int) Generator[Tuple[int, int, Tile], None, None][source]

Upscales a tile, returning a list of (dx, dy, tile) tuples giving the relative position of the upscaled tiles and the new tile shape. This is primarily used by dustmaker.level.Level.upscale().


A three tuple (dx, dy, ntile) where (dx, dy) are the relative position within the scaled up factor x factor tile square formed and ntile is the tile that belongs at that position.


Mapping of TileSpriteSet to the corresponding dustblock index for that sprite set. Gives -1 if no dustblock tile is available for the given sprite set.


tuple mapping TileSpriteSet -> int


A mapping of TileShape to a sequence of sides.

For: TileShape.FULL this is ordered clockwise starting with the top side.

For half tiles and small slants the ordering starts on the diagonal edge and procedes clockwise around the tile.

For big slants the ordering starts on the diagonal, then the opposite side, then the flat side that’s not present on the small slants. For BIG_1 through BIG_4 this is clockwise, for BIG_5 through BIG_8 this is counter-clockwise.


tuple mapping TileShape -> (TileSide, …)


Mapping of TileShape to the vertex coordinates of the tile in half-tile units. Vertexes are listed top-left, top-right, bottom-right, and bottom-left order.


tuple mapping TileShape -> ((int, int), (int, int), (int, int), (int, int))


Mapping of TileSide to the index of that tile side when sides are listed in clockwise order. This is useful for computing the edge vertexes for a given side from SHAPE_VERTEXES.


tuple mapping TileSide -> int


shape, side = TileShape.BIG_1, TileSide.TOP
vert_a = SHAPE_VERTEXES[shape][ind]
vert_b = SHAPE_VERTEXES[shape][(ind + 1) % 4]
# vert_a = (0, 0), vert_b = (2, 1)

variable module

Module defining the Dustforce variable representation

class VariableType(value)[source]

Bases: IntEnum

Enumeration of Var type IDs.

NULL = 0

Special code used in the internal format. Null variables cannot be created.

BOOL = 1
INT = 2
UINT = 3

Dustforce strings are actually byte arrays

VEC2 = 10

Vec2 is a (float, float) tuple


Generic mapping/object type

ARRAY = 15
class Variable(value: Any)[source]

Bases: object

Variable base class. Variables are a mechanism Dustforce uses to make structure metadata easily available to the game script. Variables will raise an AssertionError if they are created with an invalid value attribute.

Variables support the equality and hashing interface.


The internal value of this variable. Its type will depend on the actual variable type.

assert_types() None[source]

Checks if the type of value matches our concrete variable type.


ValueErrorvalue’s type is invalid

class VariableBool(value: bool = False)[source]

Bases: Variable

Represents a boolean variable of type bool.

class VariableInt(value: int = 0)[source]

Bases: Variable

Represents a 32-bit signed int variable of type int.

class VariableUInt(value: int = 0)[source]

Bases: Variable

Represents a 32-bit unsigned int variable of type int.

class VariableFloat(value: float = 0.0)[source]

Bases: Variable

Represents a floating point variable of type float.

class VariableString(value: bytes = b'')[source]

Bases: Variable

Represents a string variable of type bytes.

class VariableVec2(value: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0))[source]

Bases: Variable

Represents a 2-dimensional vector of type (float, float).

class VariableStruct(value: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None)[source]

Bases: Variable

Represents a struct (dictionary) mapping of type dict[str, Variable].

class VariableArray(element_type: Type[Variable], values: Optional[List[Variable]] = None)[source]

Bases: Variable, MutableSequence

Represents an array variable. Arrays are stored a bit differently because they must explicitly encode the type of their sub-elements (heterogenous arrays are not allowed).

VariableArray implements the collections.abc.MutableSequence interface, automatically boxing and unboxing accessed elements.

  • element_type (type[Variable]) – Variable type of all elements

  • values (list[element_type]) – Array of variables of type element_type


A tuple containing the element type and the element list. Prefer using element_type and the MutableSequence interface provided by VariableArray instead of accessing these elements through value.


element_type, list[element_type]

property element_type: Type[Variable]

Element type of this array

entity module

Module defining basic entity representations as well as a custom entity object for each entity in Dustforce.

class Entity(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: object

Base class representing an entity object in a map. Commonly used entities have subclasses of Entity to represent them. Those that do not will simply be of type Entity and have their etype field set to control how the Dustforce engine will interpret the entity.

To add new Entity types simply extend this class and include a TYPE_IDENTIFIER class attribute that matches the type identifier used internally by Dustforce. The level reader and writer will then automatically use these types (as long as the classes have been initialized). Additionally you can override the remap_ids() and transform() methods to handle any special processing this entity type requires. If you make these changes consider contributing your entity specialization as a pull request.


The entity type name. This typically matches the TYPE_IDENTIFIER attribute of the concrete type of this object.




Persist data variable mapping for this entity


dict[str, Variable]


Clockwise rotation of the entity ranging from 0 to 0xFFFF. 0x4000 corresponds to a 90 degree rotation, 0x8000 to 180 degrees, 0xC000 to 270 degrees. This rotation is logically applied after any flips have been applied.


16-bit uint


Layer to render the entity in


8-bit uint


Flip the entity horizontally




Flip the entity vertically




Is the entity visible



remap_ids(id_map: Dict[int, int]) None[source]

Overridable method to allow an entity to remap any internally stored IDs.

transform(mat: TxMatrix) None[source]

Generic transform implementation for entities. Transforms the Entity rotation and flip_y attributes (flip_x is redundant).

Many subtypes will perform additional transformations on their variables.

class Emitter(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Entity

Emitter entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'entity_emitter'
property e_rotation

Wrapper around variables[‘e_rotation’] of type VariableInt. Defaults to 0.



property draw_depth_sub

Wrapper around variables[‘draw_depth_sub’] of type VariableUInt. Defaults to 0.



property r_rotation

Wrapper around variables[‘r_rotation’] of type VariableBool. Defaults to False.



property r_area

Wrapper around variables[‘r_area’] of type VariableBool. Defaults to False.



property width

Wrapper around variables[‘width’] of type VariableInt. Defaults to 480.



property height

Wrapper around variables[‘height’] of type VariableInt. Defaults to 480.



property emitter_id

Wrapper around variables[‘emitter_id’] of type VariableUInt. Defaults to 0.



class CheckPoint(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Entity

Checkpoint entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'check_point'
transform(mat: TxMatrix) None[source]

Transform the trigger area

property trigger_areas

Wrapper around variables[‘trigger_area’] of type VariableArray[VariableVec2].


MutableSequence[(float, float)]

class EndZone(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: CheckPoint

Proximity based end zone (purple flag) entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'level_end_prox'
property finished

Wrapper around variables[‘finished’] of type VariableBool. Defaults to False.



class Trigger(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Entity

Trigger entity entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'base_trigger'
property width

Wrapper around variables[‘width’] of type VariableInt. Defaults to 500.



class FogTrigger(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Trigger

Fog trigger entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'fog_trigger'
normalize() None[source]

Resizes gradient, colours, and pers arrays to be the correct length for the given has_sub_layers setting.

static get_layer_index(layer: int, sublayer: Optional[int] = None) int[source]

Helper function to find fog data for a given layer/sublayer.

  • layer (int) – Must be between 0 and 20 inclusive.

  • sublayer (int) – Must be between 0 and 24 inclusive.


Index into colours and pers where fog data is stored for the given layer and (if present) sublayer.

property speed

Wrapper around variables[‘fog_speed’] of type VariableFloat. Defaults to 5.0.



property gradient

Wrapper around variables[‘gradient’] of type VariableArray[VariableUInt].



property gradient_middle

Wrapper around variables[‘gradient_middle’] of type VariableFloat. Defaults to 0.0.



property star_bottom

Wrapper around variables[‘star_bottom’] of type VariableFloat. Defaults to 0.0.



property star_middle

Wrapper around variables[‘star_middle’] of type VariableFloat. Defaults to 0.4.



property star_top

Wrapper around variables[‘star_top’] of type VariableFloat. Defaults to 1.0.



property has_sub_layers

Controls if sublayer fog data is enabled for this trigger Defaults to False.



property colours

Fog colour in 0xRRGGBB format for each (sub)layer.



property pers

Mixing coefficient for the fog each (sub)layer from 0.0 to 1.0.



class AmbienceTrigger(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Trigger

Ambience trigger entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'ambience_trigger'
property speed

Wrapper around variables[‘ambience_speed’] of type VariableFloat. Defaults to 5.



property sound_names

Wrapper around variables[‘sound_ambience_names’] of type VariableArray[VariableString].



property sound_vols

Wrapper around variables[‘sound_ambience_vol’] of type VariableArray[VariableFloat].



class MusicTrigger(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Trigger

Music trigger entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'music_trigger'
property speed

Wrapper around variables[‘music_speed’] of type VariableFloat. Defaults to 5.



property sound_names

Wrapper around variables[‘sound_music_names’] of type VariableArray[VariableString].



property sound_vols

Wrapper around variables[‘sound_music_vol’] of type VariableArray[VariableFloat].



class SpecialTrigger(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Trigger

Max special trigger entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'special_trigger'
class TextTrigger(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Entity

Text trigger entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'text_trigger'
property hide

Wrapper around variables[‘hide’] of type VariableBool. Defaults to False.



property text

Wrapper around variables[‘text_string’] of type VariableString. Defaults to b’’.



class DeathZone(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Entity

Death zone entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'kill_box'
transform(mat: TxMatrix) None[source]

Transform the death zone width and height

property width

Wrapper around variables[‘width’] of type VariableInt. Defaults to 0.



property height

Wrapper around variables[‘height’] of type VariableInt. Defaults to 0.



class AIController(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Entity

AI controller node entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'AI_controller'
remap_ids(id_map: Dict[int, int]) None[source]

Remap the puppet id.

transform(mat: TxMatrix) None[source]

Transform the controller waypoints.

property nodes

Wrapper around variables[‘nodes’] of type VariableArray[VariableVec2].


MutableSequence[(float, float)]

property node_wait_times

Wrapper around variables[‘nodes_wait_time’] of type VariableArray[VariableInt].



property puppet

Wrapper around variables[‘puppet_id’] of type VariableUInt. Defaults to 0.



class CameraNodeType(value)[source]

Bases: IntEnum

Enum defining the different camera node types

class CameraNode(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Entity

Camera node entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'camera_node'
remap_ids(id_map: Dict[int, int]) None[source]

Remap the connected camera node IDs.

transform(mat: TxMatrix) None[source]

Transform the camera zoom and width

property node_type

Camera node type, see CameraNodeType enum. Defaults to 1.



property test_widths

Wrapper around variables[‘test_widths’] of type VariableArray[VariableInt].



property nodes

Wrapper around variables[‘c_node_ids’] of type VariableArray[VariableUInt].



property control_widths

Wrapper around variables[‘control_widths’] of type VariableArray[VariableVec2].


MutableSequence[(float, float)]

property zoom

Wrapper around variables[‘zoom_h’] of type VariableInt. Defaults to 1080.



property width

Wrapper around variables[‘width’] of type VariableInt. Defaults to 520.



class LevelEnd(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Entity

Level end flag class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'level_end'
remap_ids(id_map: Dict[int, int]) None[source]

Remap entity IDs attached to this flag.

property entities

Wrapper around variables[‘ent_list’] of type VariableArray[VariableUInt].



property finished

Wrapper around variables[‘finished’] of type VariableBool. Defaults to False.



class ScoreBook(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Entity

Score book class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'score_book'
property book_type

Wrapper around variables[‘book_type’] of type VariableString. Defaults to b’’.



class LevelDoor(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Trigger

Level door class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'level_door'
property file_name

Wrapper around variables[‘file_name’] of type VariableString. Defaults to b’’.



property door_set

Wrapper around variables[‘door_set’] of type VariableInt. Defaults to 0.



class RedKeyDoor(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Entity

Red key door class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'giga_gate'
property keys_needed

Wrapper around variables[‘key_needed’] of type VariableInt. Defaults to 1.



class EntityHittable(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Entity

Base class for all ‘hittable’ types

property scale

Wrapper around variables[‘dm_scale’] of type VariableFloat. Defaults to 1.0.



transform(mat: TxMatrix) None[source]

Adjust the entity scale

class Enemy(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: EntityHittable

Base class for all enemy types

Subclasses can override FILTH to control how much “filth” is attributed to this entity. The DF file format requires a totalling of all filth in a level for completion calculations.

FILTH: int = 1
class EnemyLightPrism(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Light prism entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_tutorial_square'
class EnemyHeavyPrism(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Heavy prism entity class. Note that although heavy prisms reward 3 dust when cleansing them they only count as 1 filth from the perspective of completion calculations.

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_tutorial_hexagon'
class EnemySlimeBeast(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Slime beast entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_slime_beast'
FILTH: int = 9
class EnemySlimeBarrel(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Slime barrel (paint can) entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_slime_barrel'
FILTH: int = 3
class EnemySpringBall(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Spring ball/blob entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_spring_ball'
FILTH: int = 5
class EnemySlimeBall(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Slime ball (lab turkey) entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_slime_ball'
FILTH: int = 3
class EnemyTrashTire(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Trash tire entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_trash_tire'
FILTH: int = 3
property max_fall_speed

Wrapper around variables[‘max_fall_speed’] of type VariableFloat. Defaults to 800.0.



class EnemyTrashBeast(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Trash beast (golem) entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_trash_beast'
FILTH: int = 9
class EnemyTrashCan(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Trash can entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_trash_can'
FILTH: int = 9
class EnemyTrashBall(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Trash ball entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_trash_ball'
FILTH: int = 3
class EnemyBear(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Bear entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_bear'
FILTH: int = 9
class EnemyTotemLarge(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Large totem (stoneboss) entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_stoneboss'
FILTH: int = 12
class EnemyTotemSmall(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Totem entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_stonebro'
FILTH: int = 3
class EnemyPorcupine(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Porcupine entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_porcupine'
class EnemyWolf(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Wolf entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_wolf'
FILTH: int = 5
class EnemyTurkey(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Turkey (critter) entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_critter'
FILTH: int = 3
class EnemyFlag(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Flag entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_flag'
FILTH: int = 5
class EnemyScroll(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Scroll entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_scrolls'
class EnemyTreasure(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Treasure entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_treasure'
class EnemyChestTreasure(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Chest that spawns treasures entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_chest_treasure'
FILTH: int = 9
class EnemyChestScrolls(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Chest that spawns scross entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_chest_scrolls'
FILTH: int = 9
class EnemyButler(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Butler entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_butler'
class EnemyMaid(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Maid entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_maid'
class EnemyKnight(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Knign entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_knight'
FILTH: int = 9
class EnemyGargoyleBig(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Big (punching) gargoyle entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_gargoyle_big'
FILTH: int = 5
class EnemyGargoyleSmall(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Gargoyle (mansion turkey) entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_gargoyle_small'
FILTH: int = 3
class EnemyBook(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Book entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_book'
FILTH: int = 3
class EnemyHawk(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Hawk entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_hawk'
FILTH: int = 3
class EnemyKey(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Key entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_key'
FILTH: int = 1
remap_ids(id_map: Dict[int, int]) None[source]

Remap the door ID.

transform(mat: TxMatrix) None[source]

Transform the last know coordinates.

property door

ID of door entity Defaults to 0.



property lastX

Wrapper around variables[‘lastKnowX’] of type VariableFloat. Defaults to 0.0.



property lastY

Wrapper around variables[‘lastKnowY’] of type VariableFloat. Defaults to 0.0.



class EnemyDoor(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Enemy

Door entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'enemy_door'
FILTH: int = 0
class Apple(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: EntityHittable

Apple entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'hittable_apple'
class DustCharacter(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: EntityHittable

Normal playable dust character entity types

class Dustman(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: DustCharacter

Dustman entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'dust_man'
class Dustgirl(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: DustCharacter

Dustgirl entity classs

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'dust_girl'
class Dustkid(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: DustCharacter

Dustkid entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'dust_kid'
class Dustworth(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: DustCharacter

Dustworth entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'dust_worth'
class Dustwraith(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: DustCharacter

Dustwraith entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'dust_wraith'
class Leafsprite(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: DustCharacter

Leaf sprite entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'leaf_sprite'
class Trashking(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: DustCharacter

Trash king entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'trash_king'
class Slimeboss(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: DustCharacter

Slime boss entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'slime_boss'
class CustomScoreBook(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Entity

Custom score book (tome) entity class

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'custom_score_book'
property level_list

ID of StringList entity Defaults to 0.



class StringList(variables: Optional[Dict[str, Variable]] = None, rotation=0, layer=18, flip_x=False, flip_y=False, visible=True)[source]

Bases: Trigger

Data container entity

TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'z_string_list'
property data

Wrapper around variables[‘list’] of type VariableArray[VariableString].



prop module

Module containing dustmaker’s prop representation.

class Prop(layer_sub: int, rotation: int, flip_x: bool, flip_y: bool, scale: float, prop_set: int, prop_group: int, prop_index: int, palette: int)[source]

Bases: object

Class respresenting a static prop in a map.

To find appropriate values for prop_set, prop_group, and prop_index check out https://github.com/cmann1/PropUtils/tree/master/files/prop_reference.


The sublayer the prop is rendered on. Note that the prop layer is actually stored within the containing dustmaker.level.Level itself.




Clockwise rotation of the prop ranging from 0 to 0xFFFF. 0x4000 corresponds to a 90 degree rotation, 0x8000 to 180 degrees, 0xC000 to 270 degrees. This rotation is logically applied after any flips have been applied.


16-bit uint


Flip the prop horizontally




Flip the prop vertically




Prop scaling factor. This is only available in LevelType.DUSTMOD type maps and is fairly coarse in the resolution of the scaling factor.




Identifier indicating what prop set this prop comes from. This appears to match dustmaker.tile.TileSpriteSet.




Identifier indicating what prop group this prop comes from.




Index of the desired prop sprite.




The colour variant of the prop to render.



transform(mat: TxMatrix) None[source]

Performs the requested transformation on the prop’s rotation and flip_y attributes.

replay module

Module defining the replay container types


Latest replay version supported by dustmaker/dustmod

class IntentStream(value)[source]

Bases: IntEnum

Enumeration of the different intent streams in the order they are listed within the replay binary format.

X = 0

-1 for left, 0 for neutral, 1 for right


X intent

Y = 1

-1 for up, 0 for nuetral, 1 for down


Y intent

JUMP = 2

0 for not pressed, 1 for pressed and unused, 2 for pressed and used.


jump intent

DASH = 3

0 for not pressed, 1 for pressed and unused, 2 for pressed and used (2 is only present for weird subframe things).


dash intent

FALL = 4

0 for not pressed, 1 for pressed and unused, 2 for pressed and used (2 is only present for weird subframe things).


fall intent


0 for not pressed, 10 for pressed and unused, 11 for pressed and used, 1-9 counts down from 10 after the key is released and unused, during this time the intent will be consumed if possible from the player state.


light intent


0 for not pressed, 10 for pressed and unused, 11 for pressed and used, 1-9 counts down from 10 after the key is released and unused, during this time the intent will be consumed if possible from the player state.


heavy intent


0 for not pressed, 1 for pressed and unused, 2 for pressed and used.


taunt intent


float in the range [0.0, 1.0] where 0.0 corresponds to the left of the screen and 1.0 corresponds to the right of the screen. This is internally stored with 16 bits of accuracy.


mouse x


float in the range [0.0, 1.0] where 0.0 corresponds to the top of the screen and 1.0 corresponds to the bottom of the screen. This is internally stored with 16 bits of accuracy.


mouse y


bit mask of current mouse state as defined in MouseState.


mouse state

class MouseState(value)[source]

Bases: IntFlag

Mouse state bitmask values associated with the IntentStream.MOUSE_STATE intent.

class Character(value)[source]

Bases: IntEnum

Numeric character IDs for each playable character

class PlayerData(character: ~dustmaker.replay.Character = Character.DUSTMAN, intents: ~typing.Dict[~dustmaker.replay.IntentStream, ~typing.List[~typing.Any]] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Container class for a single player’s replay data

character: Character = 0
intents: Dict[IntentStream, List[Any]]

The intent data parsed from the replay file. These may have length smaller than the number of frames in the replay in which case the neutral value for that intent should be considered the active intent on those frames. Use :meth:`get_intent_value to automatically deal with this when reading replays.

get_intent_value(intent: IntentStream, frame: int) Any[source]

Returns the value for the given intent at the given frame

class EntityFrame(frame: int = 0, x_pos: float = 0.0, y_pos: float = 0.0, x_speed: float = 0.0, y_speed: float = 0.0)[source]

Bases: object

Container class for a single frame worth of entity desync data.

frame: int = 0

Frame timer for this entity frame.

x_pos: float = 0.0

X position of the entity. This has a resolution of a tenth of a pixel.

y_pos: float = 0.0

Y position of the entity. This has a resolution of a tenth of a pixel.

x_speed: float = 0.0

X-speed of the entity. This has a resolution of 0.01 pixels/s.

y_speed: float = 0.0

Y-speed of the entity. This has a resolution of 0.01 pixels/s.

class EntityData(frames: ~typing.List[~dustmaker.replay.EntityFrame] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Container class for all the desync frame data for an entity. Note that the engine only stores desync data every 8 frames (and then slower than that eventually for long replays) and only stores the data if the entity moved significantly.

frames: List[EntityFrame]

Frame data for the given entity. This should appear in increasing order of frame time but the times might not increase at the same rate.

class Replay(version: int = 4, username: bytes = b'', level: bytes = b'', frames: int = 0, players: ~typing.List[~dustmaker.replay.PlayerData] = <factory>, entities: ~typing.Dict[int, ~dustmaker.replay.EntityData] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Container class for a replay

version: int = 4

The format of the replay file. If writing a replay just use LATEST_VERSION unless you want compatibility with vanilla.

username: bytes = b''

The username associated with the replay. If this is unset no username header will be included. If feeding the replay binary directly to dustmod make sure to include a username as it does expect to find a replay header.

level: bytes = b''

The level filename associated with the replay.

frames: int = 0

The length of the replay in frames.

players: List[PlayerData]

Per-player replay data

entities: Dict[int, EntityData]

Entity desync data per entity. This maps the entity ID in the map to EntityData captured for that entity. Camera entities get the special ID of 1 + 2 * player_index and player entities get the special ID of 2 * player_index (alternatively you can use get_camera_entity_data() get_player_entity_data() to access these data).

get_player_entity_data(player: int = 1) Optional[EntityData][source]

Get the entity data for the given player entity.


player (int, optional) – The player to get the entity data for indexed from 1

get_camera_entity_data(player: int = 1) Optional[EntityData][source]

Get the entity data for the camera following the given player.


player (int, optional) – The player to get the camera of indexed from 1

bitio module

Module defining the core binary reader for Dustforce binary formats.

class BitIO(data: BinaryIO, *, noclose: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper around a binary IO source that allows integers to be read/written to. Reads and writes of integers are all serialized to bits in little endian order.

Within the IO source bits are ordered from LSB to MSB. Therefore the first bit of a stream is the ‘1’s place of the first byte. The last bit of a stream is the ‘128’s place bit of the last byte.


noclose (bool) – Normally when the BitIO object is closed data is also closed. If this is set then data will be left open after this BitIO is closed.


A binary data stream. Should support read/write/seek if those respective operations are done on the BitIO object itself.



release() None[source]

Prevents close() from closing data as well.

close() None[source]

Flush any pending bits and close data unless it has been released.

aligned() bool[source]

Returns True if the stream is aligned at a byte boundary.

align() None[source]

Seeks the stream forward to the nearest byte boundary. This does not require data to support seek itself.

skip(bits: int) None[source]

Skips bits bits in the bit stream. Requires data to support seeks.


bits (int) – the number of bits to skip

bit_tell() int[source]

Returns the current bit position of the stream

bit_seek(pos: int) None[source]

Seeks to a new bit-position in the stream.


pos (int) – The position in bits from the start of the stream

class BitIOReader(data: BinaryIO, *, noclose: bool = False)[source]

Bases: BitIO

Bit reader wrapper for a data stream

read(bits: int, signed: bool = False) int[source]

Reads in the next bits bits into an integer in little endian order.

  • bits (int) – The number of bits to read in

  • signed (bool) – Wether the most significant bit should be interpretted as a sign bit.

read_bytes(num: int) bytes[source]

Reads in the next num bytes and returns them as a bytes object.


num (int) – The number of bytes to extract from the bit stream.


A binary data stream. Should support read/write/seek if those respective operations are done on the BitIO object itself.



class BitIOWriter(data: BinaryIO, *, noclose: bool = False)[source]

Bases: BitIO

Bit writer wrapper for a data stream.

write(bits: int, val: int) None[source]

Writes val, an integer of bits bits in size, to the stream.


If the last byte is partially completed it will not be written until the stream is closed or flushed.

write_bytes(buf: bytes) None[source]

Writes the bytes in buf to the stream


buf (bytes) – The data to write to the stream

close() None[source]

Flush any pending bits and close the underlying stream (unless released).

flush() None[source]

Flushes any trailing bits.


If there are trailing bits this will cause the stream to seek forward to the next byte boundary. Generally you shouldn’t need to call this directly and should allow other methods like close(), align(), bit_seek() to call flush for you at times that always make sense.

align() None[source]

Seeks the stream forward to the nearest byte boundary. This does not require data to support seek itself. This also triggers a flush.


A binary data stream. Should support read/write/seek if those respective operations are done on the BitIO object itself.



bit_seek(pos: int, *, allow_unaligned: bool = False) None[source]

Seeks to the desired position in the stream relative the start. This also triggers a flush of any pending data at our current location.

  • pos (int) – The bit position to seek to relative the start of the stream.

  • allow_unaligned (bool) – Normally unaligned seeks are not allowed. If you set this flag they will be allowed however any write performed at the new location will have the effect of zero’ing any bits earlier within the byte that we are seeking into.


Seeking into a non-byte aligned position is not well supported and cannot be done generally without performing a read.


RuntimeError – If seek is not byte aligned and allow_unaligned is not set.

dfreader module

Module providing methods for reading Dustforce binary formats including level files.

class DFReader(data: BinaryIO, *, noclose: bool = False)[source]

Bases: BitIOReader

Helper class to read Dustforce binary files

read_expect(data: bytes) None[source]

Ensure the next bytes match data


LevelParseException – If the read bytes do not match data.

read_float(ibits: int, fbits: int) float[source]

Read a float in the Dustforce format

  • ibits (int) – Number of integer bits

  • fbits (int) – Number of fractional bits

read_6bit_str() str[source]

Read a ‘6-bit’ string. These are strings with length between 0 and 63 inclusive that contain only alpha-numeric lower and uppercase characters in addition to ‘_’ and ‘{‘.

read_variable(vtype: VariableType) Variable[source]

Read a variable of a given type.


vtype (VariableType) – The type of variable to read

read_variable_map() Dict[str, Variable][source]

Convenience method equivalent to read_variable(VariableType.STRUCT).value

read_segment(level: Level, xoffset: int, yoffset: int) None[source]

Read segment data into the passed level. In most cases you should just use read_level() instead of this method.

  • level (Level) – The level object to read data into

  • xoffset (int) – The segment x-offset in tiles

  • yoffset (int) – The segment y-offset in tiles

read_region(level: Level) None[source]

Read region data into the passed level. In most cases you should just use read_level() instead of this method.


level (Level) – The level object to read data into

read_var_file(header: bytes) Dict[str, Variable][source]

Reads a variable mapping with a given header. There are several file types that Dustforce use that are expressed this way including notably “stats1” (header=b”DF_STA”) and “config” (header=b”DF_CFG”).


header (bytes) – The expected file header at the start of the stream. Just pass b”” if you’ve already read and checked the header.

read_level_ex() Tuple[Level, List[int]][source]

Extended version of read_level().

Read level file metadata into a Level object while extracting additional metadata so that the rest of the data can be ingested in an opaque way. read_level_ex ends with the reader byte-aligned. The entirety of the region data can be read subsequently with reader.read_bytes(region_bytes) or using read_region().

This can be used with dustmaker.dfwriter.DFWriter.write_level_ex() to modify level metadata without reading in region data.


# Re-write level metadata without reading in region data.
level, region_offsets = reader.read_level_ex()
region_data = reader.read_bytes(region_offsets[-1])
writer.write_level_ex(level, region_offsets, region_data)


# Manually read region data
level, region_offsets = reader.read_level_ex()
for _ in region_offsets[:-1]:

(level, region_offsets) tuple

  • level

    dustmaker.level.Level object with metadata (e.g. level.variables and level.sshot) filled in.

  • region_offsets

    list of byte offsets of each region from the current stream position (which is aligned). The last element of this array is the end of the region data and does not correspond to a region itself.

read_level(*, metadata_only: bool = False) Level[source]

Read a level data stream and return the dustmaker.level.Level object.


metadata_only (bool, optional) – If set to True only the variables and sshot data will be set in the returned Level.


LevelParseException – Parser ran into unexpected data.

read_replay(*, known_length: Optional[int] = None) Replay[source]

Read in a replay from the input stream.


known_length (int, optional) – The total length in bytes of the replay. Giving this length beforehand can speed up parsing the replay data.


A binary data stream. Should support read/write/seek if those respective operations are done on the BitIO object itself.



read_level(data: bytes) Level[source]

Convenience function to read in a level from bytes directly


data (bytes) – The data source for the level


The parsed Level object.

dfwriter module

Module providing methods for write Dustforce binary formats including level files.

class DFWriter(data: BinaryIO, *, noclose: bool = False)[source]

Bases: BitIOWriter

Helper class to write Dustforce binary files

write_float(ibits: int, fbits: int, val: float) None[source]

Write a float val to the output stream

  • ibits (int) – Number of integer bits

  • fbits (int) – Number of fractional bits

  • val (float) – The floating point number to write

write_6bit_str(text: str) None[source]

Write a ‘6-bit’ string. These are strings with length between 0 and 63 inclusive that contain only alpha-numeric lower and uppercase characters in addition to ‘_’ and ‘{‘.

  • ValueError – If length of string exceeds 63

  • ValueError – If invalid character is present

write_variable(var: Variable) None[source]

Write a variable to the output stream. This does not write the type of the variable, that will need to be encoded somewhere else if needed.


var (Variable) – The variable to write to the stream.

  • ValueError – If a VariableString value is longer than 65535 bytes. Note that structs and arrays each handle their string sub-elements in a way that they may be longer than this limit.

  • ValueError – If a VariableArray has more than 65535 elements including any continuations if the element type is VariableString.

  • LevelParseException – If var is of unknown variable type.

write_var_file(header: bytes, var_data: Dict[str, Variable]) None[source]

Writes a variable mapping with a given header. There are several file types that Dustforce use that are expressed this way including notably “stats1” (header=b”DF_STA”) and “config” (header=b”DF_CFG”).


header (bytes) – The file header at the start of the stream.

write_level_ex(level: Level, region_offsets: List[int], region_data: Union[bytes, Iterable[bytes]]) None[source]

Extended version of write_level().

Writes level to the output stream. This is the advanced API for efficiently modifiying level metadata. If region_offsets is non-empty this will use region_offsets and region_data to populate the region data section of the output rather than calculating it from level.

See dustmaker.dfreader.DFReader.read_level_ex() for examples on how to use this in practice.

  • level (Level) – The level file to write

  • region_offsets (list[int]) – Region offset metadata as returned by DFReader.read_level_ex(). If empty this behaves the same as write_level(). If you wish to omit all region data pass [0] instead.

  • region_data – (bytes | Iterable[bytes]): Bytes data (or an iterable of bytes data) to write in the region section of the map. If region_offsets is empty this argument is ignored.

write_level(level: Level) None[source]

Writes level to the output stream. This is equivalent to write_level_ex(level, [], b””).


level (Level) – The level file to write

write_replay(rep: Replay, *, force_username=False) None[source]

Write rep to the output stream.

  • rep (Replay) – The replay object to write.

  • force_username (bool, optional) – Write a username header even if rep.username is empty.


A binary data stream. Should support read/write/seek if those respective operations are done on the BitIO object itself.



write_level(level: Level) bytes[source]

Convenience function to write a map file directly to bytes in memory.


level (Level) – The level file to write


The bytes that encode that level file

exceptions module

Module defining shared exception classes.

exception LevelException[source]

Bases: Exception

Top level dustmaker exception.

exception LevelParseException[source]

Bases: LevelException

Exception indicating an error reading a level file.